Today a lot of people no longer work just to meet basic needs, but for needs that go beyond survival alone.  We work to improve our lives by creating fulfillment with the end goal of living a happier life. 

Employees who believe their employer to be fair, honest and put in the effort to make their place of work an enjoyable experience tend to establish a greater commitment from staff.  Those employers who realize the desires of staff and work to provide an environment that allows staff to attain these rewards are the most successful at retaining good employees.

A complete New Hire Package and Orientation is an avenue for collecting pertinent information from the new employee but also helps to integrate a new employee into your organization.  

Good induction procedures can establish a positive attitude toward the new work environment by confirming their expectations.  A good New Hire Package can help to convey that positive approach.  

We will work with you to establish your New Hire Package and Orientation (or onboarding) that is specific to your organization.


New Hire Package and Orientation

Create a standard package of information for all new employees – including but not limited to:


Ø  Welcome Letter – identifying position, rate of pay, vacation pay, probationary period

Ø  Company Policies and Procedures Manual

Ø  Employee Information Sheet - Name, Contact Information, SIN, DoB, Emergency Contact

Ø  TD 1’s – federal and provincial

Ø  Benefits package information and application (if applicable)

Ø  Cell Phone Acknowledgement form (to be signed by employee and returned)

Ø  Base Company Safety Orientation (to be signed by employee and returned)

Ø  Job Description


Company Organizational Chart

 A flow chart will be created that identifies the reporting structure of the company management and staff


Job Descriptions


A good job description should provide a summary of the expectations of the role, clarity concerning authority, responsibilities and boundaries.

Providing a clear definition of the authority that a role has, ie. Signing authority on changes, accepting deliveries, making financial decisions, quality evaluation, etc. allows team members to operate within defined boundaries.  Team members tend to work best when their levels of authority match their individual responsibilities.

We will review existing job descriptions and edit as necessary or create new job descriptions for existing or new positions. 


Performance Review Templates

Create performance review templates will be created for all positions as well as determining who should be conducting the performance reviews and an appropriate schedule.